Wednesday, March 14, 2012


There are currently 3 types of missions in Wonder Fish: fishing, harvesting, and purchasing. Of these, the fishing missions pose the biggest challenge as they require different equipment combinations to capture all fish.

Below we will explore the various mission types and explain how to pass them.

Purchasing Quests:
These quests require the purchasing of decorations or fishing equipment.

Purchasing quests contain items that will beautify your aquarium and also increase your gold return when harvesting fish!!

We strongly suggest you complete this mission as pairing the cactus lure and steak bait will yield some amazing fish.

Fishing Quests:
Fishing quests require the capture of different types of fish. You can achieve this by combining different rod, lure, and bait combinations or changing the throw distance of your lure.

The equipment combination above is suggested, but other combinations can also be used to complete this mission. 

Harvesting Quests:
Harvesting quests usually follow fishing quests, and usually requires the harvesting of fish caught in the previous mission.

Harvest the fish caught in the Lv5 Fishing II quest.

Billboard Fish Equipment Combinations
Billboard fish are the unique species which can be found at fishing points. At higher levels, billboard fish will be different depending on your home island. Hurry and level up to see what surprises lay in store!

Before we go...

And thats all for this week!

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